Episode 84 – You Should Be Ashamed

We sit down with Keath Hausher to talk about fitness training, eating right, and the fat-shaming controversy that sprung up around a Facebook post he made last month. Our break music is provided once again by The Polish Ambassador. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting […]

Episode 78 – We Can’t Breathe

Jerry goes on a rant about brutal cops, Rob goes after conservative hypocrites, and Jeremy goes off on both Rob and Jerry. So pretty much your average episode. Our break music is provided this time by Pentatonix. Happy holidays to all of our listeners! The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the […]

Episode 76 – Current Events

One of our hosts was on the scene of the latest police shooting in the Shaw neighborhood of St. Louis. We discuss how it relates to recent events in Ferguson, and we cover a bit of listener feedback. Our break music is provided by The Polish Ambassador. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics […]

The Death of Michael Brown – On The Street

This was our first episode since the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, so we asked people about their feelings on the situation. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

Episode 75 – Laying Down The Law

Were the events in Ferguson, Missouri inevitable? Did the police use excessive force? We discuss the killing of Michael Brown, as well as our return to the battlefields of Iraq, and the new Utopia reality TV show. Plus, we have one of our listeners as a special guest! Break music is provided by The Polish […]

Interview with Mayor Geno Salvati

While we were on location recording Episode 69, the Mayor of Pasadena Hills, MO was unfortunate enough to be seated nearby and got roped into sitting down with us for an interview. We appreciate Geno Salvati spending his time and sharing his views with us.

Do You Feel Safe in St. Louis?

While on location recently, we asked people if they feel safe in downtown St. Louis. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

How To Waste A Million Dollars

A few years ago, I wrote about how I believed the Missouri Department of Transportation had wasted a million dollars installing variable speed limit signs all along Interstate 270. I also pointed out that these signs were illegal because they did not comply with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), not to mention […]


This is addressed to those who routinely mispronounce the name of my home state. Some of you, inexplicably, are from this state and you still don’t know how to pronounce it. Since you somehow managed to escape any proper instruction in its pronunciation, allow me to enlighten you. It is pronounced Mizz-oo-ree. Please note that […]

May You Live In Interesting Times

Thought to be a curse of ancient Chinese origin, the title of this essay is appropriate for life in America today. A new report by the Pew Research Center is in the news today — just the latest data showing that most believe our government is broken, echoing results from a similar CNN poll conducted […]

Digital Sheriff of Nottingham

Last winter I received a rather curious letter in the mail. It was from a company calling themselves RedLightViolations.com. I’ve seen other scams by mail, and at first glance, I thought that this was just another. It purported to be a citation, issued by authority of the State of Illinois, for running a red light. […]

Highway Robbery

The St. Louis Post Dispatch reported a couple of weeks ago about the new variable speed limit signs that have been installed along the 30 or so miles of Interstate 270, which is the main beltway surrounding the metropolitan area. The Missouri Department of Transportation wasted almost a million dollars installing these signs which are […]