All Lesser Means

It may have been mentioned once or twice on the show while I was working on it, but I am very happy to announce that my debut novel, All Lesser Means, is finally available in the Kindle Store. If you are into stories about political upheaval and revolution, or stories about technological breakthroughs and gadgets, […]

Episode 88 – Pope-pourri

We discuss our interview in our last episode as well as the Pope’s visit and the latest mass shooting in Oregon. Our break music is provided once again by The Polish Ambassador. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos provided by both the […]

Guns and 3D Printers

During our last episode, we asked whether people should be allowed to create their own firearms using 3D printers. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

Episode 59 – Jumping to Conclusions

This time on the show we discuss the tendency to apply stereotypes to criminal suspects. We also talk about printing your own guns on a 3D printer, taxing the internet, and more! The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show That was the week from hell – This Is The […]

Chicago Holds Its Breath

After last year’s McDonald v Chicago decision by the Supreme Court, I wrote about how the tide seemed to be turning with respect to recognition of our basic human right to self-defense. I guess I should have known that just because the Supreme Court decides in your favor does not mean your opponent will acquiesce. […]

The Tide Is Turning

The Supreme Court handed those who believe in the right to self-defense another victory yesterday with their McDonald v Chicago decision. Sadly, as with their Heller decision two years ago, it was only 5-4, but residents of the People’s Republic of Illinois (as my dad likes to call it) can now sleep a little easier […]

SCOTUS Gets One Right, For a Change

I don’t know which is more disturbing to me, the fact that the Supreme Court had to weigh in on the Second Amendment at all, or that it was only a 5-4 decision in favor of it. I was fully prepared for it to go the other way. I mean, the Court has not been […]

More Guns, Less Crime

A story in this week’s Post-Dispatch prompted me to observe that the only time you ever hear stories like these is when a 63-year-old grandmother is the one toting the gun: CARTHAGE, Mo. (AP) — A 63-year-old grandmother with a handgun stopped two burglars at her backdoor in Carthage. The Jasper County Sheriff’s Department said […]

How Many Kids Have To Die?

Three cheers for Wisconsin state representative Frank Lasee for having the courage to suggest a real solution to the problem of school shootings: arm the teachers. The same people who recoil in horror at this proposition also object to allowing armed people on planes, but the simple fact is that guns prevent crime. Within the […]