How To Waste A Million Dollars

A few years ago, I wrote about how I believed the Missouri Department of Transportation had wasted a million dollars installing variable speed limit signs all along Interstate 270. I also pointed out that these signs were illegal because they did not comply with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), not to mention […]

The End of Speeding Tickets

Last month I wrote about what a colossal waste variable speed limit signs are. As I was driving to work this morning, and saw someone in the opposite lanes flashing their headlights, it occurred to me that it might not matter anyway. It is only a matter of time before cars have internet access. They […]

Highway Robbery

The St. Louis Post Dispatch reported a couple of weeks ago about the new variable speed limit signs that have been installed along the 30 or so miles of Interstate 270, which is the main beltway surrounding the metropolitan area. The Missouri Department of Transportation wasted almost a million dollars installing these signs which are […]