Guns and 3D Printers
During our last episode, we asked whether people should be allowed to create their own firearms using 3D printers. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.
During our last episode, we asked whether people should be allowed to create their own firearms using 3D printers. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.
This time on the show we discuss the tendency to apply stereotypes to criminal suspects. We also talk about printing your own guns on a 3D printer, taxing the internet, and more! The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos provided by both the […]
This time on the show we continue our discussion of gun control, however, we try to focus on the debate over mental health and what role it plays in gun violence. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos provided by both the hosts […]
We do an On The Street interview with Stephanie and ask her views on gun control. This is a bonus track from our last on location episode.
During our last episode, we stopped a few folks and asked them their views on gun control. The responses were interesting. What do you think? Does the government have the authority to ban the ownership of weapons? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode. “When governments fear the people, […]
Debating guns in America right now is such a merry-go-round because we keep having the same conversations over and over, with no real solutions. We discuss our frustration with this and the so-called solution to the fiscal cliff, and respond to some listener feedback. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the […]
This week we celebrate our first year on the air with a retrospective on what we’ve learned, a blooper reel, and more! We also bash on Paul Ryan and learn how to build our own guns. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos […]
In part one of a two-part on-location episode, recorded live at Granite City Food & Brewery, we discuss Mitt Romney’s gaffes on multiple continents, why nothing is made in America anymore, and the inevitable cries for stricter gun control following the shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Stay tuned for part two next week! The Missing Links […]
Do you believe that all people are created equal? We begin discussing the first of three principles in Jerry’s manifesto, and why Somalia probably isn’t a place to buy a summer home, yet. We also respond to some listener feedback about the NRA. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show […]
Wow, we covered a lot of ground in this episode. It took us quite a while to get through all of the listener feedback on our discussions about global warming. Thank you for all the responses! We began going through the questions on the quiz (link below) one by one but due to all of […]