Episode 58 – The Creature from Washington DC

On this episode, all the liberals move to the right, Rob does impressions of his favorite NPR personalities, and we celebrate 100 years as tax slaves! We also call out CNN for stealing our format! The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos provided […]

Knives On Airplanes

While on location for our last episode, we asked some people what they thought about the TSA’s decision to allow knives on airplanes. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

Is Facebook Still Cool?

While on location for our last episode, we asked some people if they thought Facebook was still cool. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

Episode 57 – Discussing Under the Influence

On this episode we talk about military suicides, lampoon the TSA, and cover some listener feedback. Also be sure to check out our new YouTube channel for our latest On The Street interviews! The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos provided by both […]

Drone Strikes on Americans

While on location for our last episode, we asked some people if they thought the US should be using drones against its own citizens. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

What’s Up With Your Paycheck?

During our last episode on location, we asked folks if they had noticed a difference in their paychecks recently, and it seems that most people have. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

Armed Guards in Schools?

This time on the show, we stopped a few folks and asked them their opinion of having armed security guards in schools. Here are a few of the responses. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

Episode 56 – Crazy People

This time on the show we continue our discussion of gun control, however, we try to focus on the debate over mental health and what role it plays in gun violence. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos provided by both the hosts […]

Episode 55 – Bonus Track

We do an On The Street interview with Stephanie and ask her views on gun control. This is a bonus track from our last on location episode.

Thoughts on Gun Control

During our last episode, we stopped a few folks and asked them their views on gun control. The responses were interesting. What do you think? Does the government have the authority to ban the ownership of weapons? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode. “When governments fear the people, […]

On The Street

Hey, check us out. We are a freakin’ media empire over here. We now have our own channel on YouTube and will be posting regular “On The Street” interviews with people we meet as we record our episodes on location. Be sure to subscribe to our channel — click the link on the menu above!

Episode 55 – The Gun Control Merry-Go-Round

Debating guns in America right now is such a merry-go-round because we keep having the same conversations over and over, with no real solutions. We discuss our frustration with this and the so-called solution to the fiscal cliff, and respond to some listener feedback. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the […]