Episode 73 – Current Events

This time we discuss what is being called a humanitarian crisis at our southern border, the latest antics of our alphabet-soup police state, and what would happen if all of the religious zealots in America just left? Our break music is provided by the Polish Ambassador. His new album Pushing Through The Pavement just dropped […]

Episode 72 – At The Movies

We discuss our favorite political movies, including Charlie Wilson’s War, The Matrix, and The Manchurian Candidate. We also cover some listener feedback, and why the media likes super storms. Once again, our break music is provided by The Polish Ambassador. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room […]

Capital Punishment – On The Street

While on location recently, we asked people about their feelings on the death penalty. What do you think? Leave us a comment below, and we’ll discuss it in our next episode.

Episode 71 – Capital Punishment

This time we discuss the use of capital punishment in the US, and whether the practice should be continued. We also spend a fair amount of time talking about Patrick Swayze. Break music is provided by The Polish Ambassador. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting […]

Larken Rose – Part 2

We recently sat down with Larken Rose and asked about his latest project, Josie The Outlaw. Here is the second segment of that interview. You can check out our discussion of the entire interview in Episode 68.

Episode 70 – Too Much Government

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Most bad government has grown out of too much government.” This time on the show we talk about a couple of specific examples of where the federal government has overstepped its bounds. Music is provided by The Polish Ambassador – Optimus Primal. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed […]

Larken Rose – Part 1

We sat down with Larken Rose recently and had a chance to talk about his latest project, Josie The Outlaw, as well as other topics. Here is the first segment of that interview. You can check out our discussion of the entire interview in Episode 68.

Interview with Mayor Geno Salvati

While we were on location recording Episode 69, the Mayor of Pasadena Hills, MO was unfortunate enough to be seated nearby and got roped into sitting down with us for an interview. We appreciate Geno Salvati spending his time and sharing his views with us.

Episode 69 – Grab Your Tinfoil Hat

This time on the show we discuss our favorite conspiracy theories, why they are so prevalent, and why we latch onto them so tightly. Our break music is brought to you by: DMN Productions – Ate Ja. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and […]

Episode 68 – Anarchy On Tour

While Larken Rose was on tour across the country on his way to Freedom Summit, he stopped in St. Louis and we were lucky enough to sit down with him to talk about his current Josie Outlaw project, as well as a host of other topics. Check out our discussion of his answers as we […]

Episode 67 – Returning To Our Roots

We talk about where we came from and how that led to our individual political philosophies. We also discuss where we would live if we could put down new roots anywhere in the world. The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos provided by […]

Episode 66 – The Year In Review

Join us as we reveal our top stories of the year, with a special visit by MC Robbie-Rob. Some fun Christmas music, listener feedback, and more! It’s the most wonderful episode of the year! The Missing Links Links to sites or topics discussed on the show The Reading Room Interesting articles and videos provided by […]